Journalist and social media communicator as profession, traveller, chocolate eater and dog lover as passions
September 6, 2008
Ce crede un american despre Romania
Am dat peste blogul unui american care traieste in Romania. Am citit mai multe posturi, dar acesta m-a intrigat si m-a multumit in aceeasi masura. Probabil ca Andrei va fi de acord cu multe din punctele de mai jos:
It takes six chocolate bars to make a double recipe of chocolate chip cookies.
40 degrees Celsius is hot! (about 105 degrees Fahrenheit). Temperatures in Bucureşti hover at 40 degrees celsius for most or all of July
Brown eggs are just as good and clean as white ones.
The toilet flusher is not always a knob (in Romania, it never is); it might be a chain, a button on the wall, a button on the toilet, or a bucket of water.
Speaking of toilets, toilet paper is not always meant to be thrown into the toilet. Now for a question to keep you awake tonight: what do you do when the sign reads “Do NOT throw toilet paper into the toilet, it WILL clog it; please throw it into the basket,” and you forget and throw your paper in the toilet on habit? Do you leave it there hoping no one will know that you were the culprit, or do you fish it out? Just hypothetically speaking, of course . . .
I will never understand the point of putting a glass window on the bathroom door
Two guys walking down the road holding hands does NOT mean the same thing in every part of the world. It might just mean that they’re good friends.
Coca-Cola is not the same all over the world.
Dyed blond hair very rarely looks good or remotely natural.
Dyed purple or blue hair looks even less natural. Especially when it’s on a 75-year-old woman.
Good teeth are a luxury. Braces even more so!
Having all of your teeth as an adult is also a luxury.
Europeans have NO CLUE about what really goes on in America. As a journalist, the European press brings a whole new meaning to the term "media bias"
It's difficult explaining to my Romanian brothers and sisters why it might be offending to go up to a black and ask to take a picture with him/her (in Romania, there are very few blacks)
Store bought tomatoes in the United States don’t taste very much like tomatoes should taste. Romania has better fruits and vegetables
Pomelo is an incredible fruit (too bad the price has about tripled in the last several months).
You will never hear someone say, “I want to marry an American because their accent is just so attractive!!”
It is possible (and not even hard) to heat up leftovers in the stove.
The washing machine is perhaps the most useful and amazing invention ever. Probably even more useful and amazing than the automobile.
Having a dryer is a luxury...a clothes line takes a long time in winter
Cellphones have deteriorated my generation's ability to talk face-to-face
Related to that, cellphone etiquette should be a required course in schools
It’s possible to live without peanut-butter
It’s NOT possible to live without COLBY cheese, root beer, and Taco Bell
There IS a word in Romanian for ‘cranberry’–’merisor.’ Unfortunately, Romanians have never heard that word before.
The world doesn’t end if things don’t start ‘on time’ (or at least it hasn’t yet).‘On time’ is relative.
Pigeons and doves are NOT the same thing (in Romanian they are the same word: porumbel)
Smelling good is relative.
If you have an average home, multiple cars, a fishing boat, etc.,; this does NOT mean you are just making ends meet
Romanians make the best mashed potatoes
European football (soccer) fans make NFL fans in States look apathetic
Southerners give America a bad reputation. In Romania, if you have a northern accent, they won't believe you are from the States. Nope, either Canada or Ireland!
Being able to play your favorite sport at the local school without paying $20 an hour is a luxury
Believe it or not, Americans are very defensive drivers...come to Romania and see why
If Americans don't start requiring kids to learn a second language in grade school...I give up!
Romanian is the language of heaven!
I am proud to be an adopted Romanian!
I am proud to have seen more Minnesota Viking material in Romania than Packer garbage by about a 4:1 ratio...SKOL Vikings!
It made me smile when a Romanian friend returning from states said, "I loved Minnesota, all the lakes and nice people was a welcome retreat from how boring it is in Wisconsin!"
Geography lesson: Bucharest, Romania and Budapest, Hungary are NOT the same
Too many Christians do not fast and pray....but Romanian Christians are warriors in this regard
Romanian youth are incredibly talented and creative....not shy at all
Romania is STUNNINGLY beautiful
Absolute truth is NOT relative and is the same in every culture.
A lot of ‘truth’ isn’t very true.
Sursa:Romania adventures by Michael Lundell
Va recomand intregul blog pentru ca e putin ciudat sa stii ca lucruri care tie ti se par firesti sunt nefiresti in alte parti ale lumii si cateodata e bine sa iti atraga cineva atentia ca ai unele lipsuri...
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Interesanta descoperire. Interesant blog. Poate n-ar trebui sa ne pese atat de mult ce zice fratele nostru despre Romanica, dar uite ca ne pasa si e bine, cred. Si eu numaram o data masinile straine pe care le vedeam pe strada... (ajunsesem pe la 150, la un moment dat:) Dar da, te descoperi ca tara intr-un fel in care poate n-ai fi facut-o altfel. Inca odata: interesanta descoperire. Te pup, bafta!!
Si eu te pup, mersic pentru comentariu. Eu mi-am pus blogul respectivului in favorites sa il mai citesc din cand in cand. E ca un dush rece ca parca prea ma imbatam cu apa chioara...
romania il fascineaza..asa cum ne fascineaza si pe noi o tara noua, unde lucrurile nu se intampla ca la noi. si e normal sa fie asa.
Ma eu nu zic ca nu il fascineaza si nici nu ii critic cumva descoperirile, ci doar spun ca vede dintr-o alta perspectiva calitatile sau defectele romanilor si ca mie una mi-a dat de gandit...
fain blog. Multam, Ral.
Si pe mine m-a marcat, de asta l-am si pus aici,
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