To sum it up, a Brocante is something similar to a flea market. The term comes from Dutch and more common in French you will hear Marche de Puces, because of course everything has to be dubbed. Arlon has a very famous brocante on the first Sunday of every Summer month and I think the same goes to Luxembourg as well.
Another term you will encounter is Braderie. Not to be confused with Brocante, the Braderie is a sale. Luxembourg has braderies twice in a year if not more and what it means, is the shops are opened on Sunday, and every shop owner opens a stand outside with things on sale.
The last term is Vide-Grenier and to my Romanian and English ears it sounded like emptying the barn and I would not be too far off, as it means emptying the attic. It is similar to a garage sale or car boot sale, you will find them on the side of the road, in small villages.
It is not on the website I've linked, but here I found Troc stores. We had the term in Romanian and it roughly translated to bargaining, but what truly means it a transaction without money, a barter in modern words. Of course if you go in a troc store you will pay for what you buy with money, but I just wanted to tell you how similar our words are. From all the alternative commerce I have mentioned here, I loved the most to go to trocs. The one in Messancy, Arlon is huge and I guaranty you will never leave empty handed. From furniture to little trinkets, to plates and cookery, you will find everything at the Troc in Messancy. There is of course the Troc in Luxembourg, but as you can imagine they have Luxembourgish prices.
Ok so after all this introduction, I wanted to tell you about the Brocante De Charme au Chateau Deulin. Doesn't sound nice? During the Summer every Sunday you can visit a brocante, I think there is even a schedule of brocantes in the area you can check out, but this one is closer to my heart as it is the first brocante we went to with Ilinca and it is in the courtyard of a castle and you are allowed to enter with your dog, so what more would we ask for?
I've found it last year over Facebook, another strong plus point, as it is always good that they have an online presence and they can be easily found by younger audiences such as us. I honestly go there just to watch and if I find something to buy, even better.
This sort of brocante brings a different crowd to what I am accustomed every day, well dressed people, with money to spend and an eye for what is indeed worth buying. There were a few ladies there that I could only wish I would be when I will older.
From the start, I haven't bought anything. I am in a phase of de-cluttering and rearranging my cluttered house and I always ask "do I really need this" before buying anything. Well, if anyone would go by this philosophy, no one would visit the brocantes, but this is me, now.
So here are a few pictures of things I've liked. Just so you know the brocante in Deulin Castle is opened even today, on Monday, but if you stumble upon this article sometime in the year, just know what you might find in this charming brocante.

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